Friday, August 3, 2007


Sri Aurobindo has presented us an unique insight about Yoga as noted below;

"Yoga means union with the Divine - a union either transcendental (above the universe) or cosmic (universal0 or individual or, as in our yoga, all three together. Or, it means getting into a conciousness in which one is no longer limited by the small ego, personal mind, personal vital and body but is in union with the supreme Self or with the universal (cosmic0 consciousness or with some deeper consciousness within in which one is aware of one's own soul, one;s own inner being and of the real truth of existence. In the yogic consciousness one is not only aware of things, but of forces, not only of forces, but of the conscious being behind the forces. One is aware of all this not only in oneself but in the universe."

Certainly, it takes time to master yogic practices. But, they are worth the efforts even if your progress may be slow. Slow and steady wins the race, and having yogic lifestyle really requires regular efforts. The end results surely justifies the efforts.

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